Board Member Spotlight- Matt Moroney, President and COO Wangard Partners Inc.

Board Member Spotlight- Matt Moroney, President and COO Wangard Partners Inc.
NAIOP Member Since/Involvement: January 2019/Public Policy Committee.
Briefly tell us what you do and how long you have been in the Commercial Real Estate industry: 4 years actively, but 25 years in various capacities.
Which project or professional accomplishment are you most proud of?: I have been blessed to have served in various capacities in Governor Walker’s Administration (DNR Deputy Secretary/Deputy Chief of Staff for Governor/Strategic Economics Initiatives Director for Wisconsin). In these various capacities, I worked to better our State, our industries and our communities.
How do you hope to contribute to the NAIOP Board and what do you hope to get in return?: I hope to contribute insights from my experiences of working in state government and to assist in guiding the industry forward during the next several years. I desire to continue to learn and grow by interacting with other industry experts to continue to enhance my ability to improve our state, our industry and our communities.
Tell us about your family: Married to Linda Moroney for 25 years. Daughter Olivia is 19 and son Mason is 12.
Who is your favorite author or what is your favorite quote?: “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein.
What is your favorite restaurant? Why?: Pacific Bistro’s Hibachi Table – good food and always a good time with family and friends.
What music are you listening to and what was the first concert and last concert you attended?: Anything by Jason Aldean. First concert was Guns N Roses and last was Imagine Dragons with my son.
What’s your favorite vacation destination?: Park City, Utah. There is something for everyone in the family to enjoy.
What is your favorite county or state park?: Wisconsin is blessed with so many great parks. Lapham Peak would have to be my favorite since it is so close and has so many trails to enjoy.
Favorite series you binge-watched?: “24”
What’s something about you most people would not know?: I was the first Executive Director for NAIOP-WI.
Cats or dogs? Do you have pets?: Dog – Gray (an original name).
What are your hobbies?: Fishing, Kayaking, attending College Football Games and other outdoor activities.
How do you find a moment of peace to calm or center yourself?: Being outdoors and realizing that I am part of a much larger universe.
What is one item you cannot live without (after your family, of course)?: A morning Diet Coke in order to get a fresh start to the day.