Developing Leader All Star Honoree - Kelly Sullivan, Gardner Builders

Developing Leader All Star Honoree - Kelly Sullivan, Gardner Builders
Name/Title/Company: Kelly Sullivan / Head of Revenue and Strategy / Gardner Builders
Briefly tell us what you do, and length of time in the CRE industry: I've been in the CRE industry since 2012 - I spent the majority of it in the furniture/interior design side. At Gardner, I oversee strategic growth and planning at Gardner Milwaukee - everything from sales, marketing, hiring, pursuits, revenue - my goal is to keep all departments aligned as our team grows in Milwaukee and surrounding areas.
Number of Years in NAIOP Wisconsin?: 4 years.
What project or professional or personal accomplishment are you most proud of?: I'm a first generation working mom in a lead role of a male dominated industry. I have the opportunity to show two awesome little boss ladies (3 and 5) that you can have a successful career and great home life. It's complicated, challenging and most days messy, but it's a type of rewarding that you don't find in a career alone.
Where did you grow up, go to high school or college?: I grew up in Richfield WI and went to UW Green Bay. I grew up in a construction family whose finger prints are all over Milwaukee. There isn't a day in my life that construction hasn't put food on my table which is where my passion for the industry stems from. I care deeply about seeing this city continue to grow, evolve, change, adapt and I can use my platform to aid in cultivating that growth.
Who introduced you to NAIOP Wisconsin and how has the DL All Star program contributed to your success in the industry as a young professional?: I wish I remember the specific person, but it was a series of signing up for and attending awesome events that really drew me in. Meeting someone new at every gathering and the interesting, thought provoking topics got in me on board!
What advice would you give today, to you five years ago?: Around 5 years ago when I joined Gardner, I was extremely closed off and had a deep "what's in it for me mindset". Changing that mindset from being a gatekeeper to a connector has launched my career in ways that are beyond explanation. I really needed this advice 10 years ago - "open your mind, shut your mouth and aim to serve others before yourself".
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: I'd like to be mentoring in 10 years. Helping other's learn through my fumbles and talking through theirs. If I can help one other person avoid the mistakes I've made - I'll have done my duty!
What is one thing about you most people don't know?: I'm a serial hobbyist - it's a problem including but not limited to sewing, crocheting, gardening, fresh water fish aquarium, tiling, wood working, wood burning, electrical work - if youtube can teach you how to do it, I'll try it.