Developing Leader All Star Honoree - Michael A. Testa, CCIM, Ogden & Company, Inc.

Developing Leader All Star Honoree - Michael A. Testa, CCIM, Ogden & Company, Inc.
Name/Title/Company: Michael A. Testa, CCIM / Business Development Manager and Senior Brokerage Associate / Ogden & Company, Inc.
Briefly tell us what you do, and length of time in the CRE industry: In my roles of Business Development Manager and Senior Brokerage Associate at Ogden & Company, Inc., I am actively involved in all many aspects of our company, from property management and development to brokerage and asset management. I have been in the industry since I was in college at Marquette, so coming up on 11 years now.
Number of Years in NAIOP Wisconsin?: 8 years.
What project or professional or personal accomplishment are you most proud of?: I'm very proud of my NAIOP National Developing Leader Award, as well as my Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Visionary of the Year accomplishment.
Where did you grow up, go to high school or college?: I grew up in Joliet, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. I went to Joliet Catholic Academy, and then moved to Milwaukee to attend Marquette University. During my time at Marquette, I fell in love with Milwaukee and have now called it home for over 13 years.
Who introduced you to NAIOP Wisconsin and how has the DL All Star program contributed to your success in the industry as a young professional?: I was introduced by the team at my previous employer, I quickly realized the value of NAIOP through connections, education, and advocacy, and saw the DLA program as an opportunity to set myself apart and align myself with other like-minded professionals.
What advice would you give today, to you five years ago?: I would have told myself to be more confident in exploring new opportunities, both personally and professionally.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: I still do not know what I want to be when I grow up.
What is one thing about you most people don't know?: I'm a nationally competitive waterskier and travel around the country to compete and coach!