Developing Leader All Star Honoree Profile - Austin Johrendt, Ayres

Developing Leader All Star Honoree Profile - Austin Johrendt, Ayres
Name/Title/Company: Austin Johrendt / Project Manager / Ayres
Briefly tell us what you do, and length of time in the CRE industry: I have 7 years of experience in CRE industry specializing in site development design for private and public clients.
Number of Years in NAIOP Wisconsin?: 3 years.
What project or professional accomplishment are you most proud of?: The accomplishment I am most proud of is being able to sell the work I do and be confident in what I can provide to clients. Being able to help clients reach their development goal and be creative through my design to help clients save money and result in a better overall product is very rewarding.
Where did you grow up, go to high school or college?: I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin with my two brothers. After high school, I attended UW-Platteville, where I earned a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering. Post-college, I moved to Eau Claire for work and have since relocated to the Milwaukee area, where I have continued to work on a variety of site development projects.
Who introduced you to NAIOP Wisconsin and how has the DL All Star program contributed to your success in the industry as a young professional?: My supervisor introduced me to NAIOP as a way to learn more about the CRE industry and network with individuals with varying backgrounds. The main benefit of being part of the DL All Star Program are the DL All Star specific events that are gear towards younger or newer staff in the industry. I have also met new people that have gone on to become clients through this program.
What advice would you give today, to you five years ago?: The advice I would give myself would be to soak in as much information as you can and don't be afraid to attend events you know nothing about. Being part of the DL program has given me access to informational events that discuss topics I don't specifically work with. These events have given me a much broader understanding of the entire commercial real estate business.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: In 10 years I see myself managing projects and younger staff in the site development field and being able to grow my companies portfolio of work through a variety of markets.
What is one thing you can't live without?: Exercise. I have to start every day with some sort of movement.
Favorite brunch spot?: Sobie's Restaurant in Oconomowoc.
Favorite vacation spot?: New Zealand being able to drive from the mountains to the ocean in a few hours is amazing.