Learn more about CORE PAC!

Learn more about CORE PAC!
CORE PAC is the Commercial Real Estate of Wisconsin Political Action Committee!
Why CORE PAC? One of NAIOP Wisconsin's founding principals is public policy. Educating decision makers at the local and state level about the importance of commercial real estate is critical to developing an economic and regulatory climate that favors real estate development and investment. CORE PAC allows the industry to collectively support political candidates as another tool we use to develop relationships, and to educate decision makers. CORE PAC is bipartisan and not affiliated with any party.
How does it work? Individuals contribute to CORE PAC (corporate donates are prohibited by law). The contributions are pooled together to make contributions directly to candidates. CORE PAC must report the individual contributions it receives to the state. Candidates report a contribution from CORE PAC eliminating the direct individual contribution to a candidate many seek to avoid.
Who governs CORE PAC? CORE PAC is governed by an elected Board of Directors. NAIOP Wisconsin serves as the administrator of the PAC. Individuals wishing to serve should contact Jim Villa.
Do I need to be a NAIOP member to contribute? No. Anyone in the CRE industry is welcome and encouraged to contribute and participate?