NAIOP Board Spotlight-Mike Wanezek, Colliers

NAIOP Board Spotlight-Mike Wanezek, Colliers
Mike Wanezek, Partner, Colliers
NAIOP Member Since: 2009
Briefly tell us what you do: I am a commercial real estate broker specializing in office leasing. I've been in the industry since 2009 and been a lifer with Inland/Colliers since 2008.
Which project/professional accomplishment are you most proud of? Being part of the team to help make the 833 office building a reality was one of the more rewarding projects I've been a part of. We started with only trying to pre-lease pretty renderings to a full, complete and successful development today.
How do you hope to contribute to the NAIOP Board? I remain an active participant with our Developing Leaders Program and am hoping to continue to see our DL's grow in the organization and continue to make NAIOP the premier organization in the industry.
Tell us about your family: My wife and I have twin four-year-old boys (Callum and Miles) and just welcomed our final addition (Owen) in March.
Who is your favorite author or what is your favorite quote? I have never let schooling interfere with my education. ~Mark Twain.
Favorite foods at Summerfest and State Fair? Lasagna Sticks from Angelo's at Summerfest, a must eat.
What's the last book you read, or your favorite as a child and currently? Our boys are obsessed with superhero's right now, so I've read Good Morning Superman about 100 times in the last month. As for myself, I'm more of an audiobook fan these days and am "reading" Green Lights.
Favorite series you binge-watched? I've burned through Sopranos an uncomfortable amount of times.
What is something about you that most people would not know? If I am in a city with a Perkin's restaurant, I will 100% stop and get a chicken tender melt to go, hungry or not.
What is the best Halloween costume you ever wore? I made a great "Sham Wow" guy.
How do you find a moment of peace to calm or center yourself? Recently night runs have become my go-to relaxation. Or a glass of bourbon. Or both.