NAIOP Wisconsin Board Member Spotlight - Phillip Aiello, Mandel Group

NAIOP Wisconsin Board Member Spotlight - Phillip Aiello, Mandel Group
Name/Title/Company: Phillip Aiello / President | Chief Operating Officer, Mandel Group, Inc.
Briefly tell us what you do, and length of time in the CRE industry: As President and COO of Mandel Group, I am involved in the setting the strategic direction of the company, implementing the strategy, overseeing our multifamily and retail operations, and developing our new apartment and mixed-use communities.
How do you hope to contribute to the NAIOP Wisconsin Board and what do you hope to get in return?: I hope to provide guidance on community outreach and awareness of NAIOP's educational opportunities and advocacy while developing deeper relationships in the real estate community.
Which project or professional accomplishment are you most proud of?: Helping to grow Mandel Group into one of the larger real estate development and management companies in Wisconsin while maintaining our focus on customer service for our residents.
How else are you involved or how would you like to be more involved in NAIOP Wisconsin?: The presentation to the MKE CRE students was particularly rewarding, and I would like to continue to teach and mentor students and young professionals seeking a career in the commercial real estate industry.
Tell us about your family: I have been married to my wonderful wife, Natalee, for 12 years and have two boys, Alexander, 13 (from a prior relationship), and Evan, 10. Watching the boys grow and develop their personalities and interests has been a pleasure. I also have a large extended family in the Milwaukee area including my older brother, Chris.
What is your favorite restaurant?: Lupi & Iris is terrific. Chef Adam Siegel has created a wonderful menu. The Dover sole is particularly delicious!
What is the last book you read?: The last book I read recently was The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell.
What are your hobbies?: The hobbies are limited these days given work and children, but I enjoy minor home improvement projects or basic builds with wood - nobody will mistake me for a journeyman carpenter though!
Favorite county or state park?: I particularly enjoy southern Kettle Moraine for mountain biking during the summer and Rib Mountain State Park (aka Granite Peak) for skiing in the winter.
What is your favorite vacation destination?: I love going skiing with the boys at Beaver Creek in Colorado.
What is the best Halloween costume you ever wore?: I dressed as Will Farrell from Old School from the birthday party scene. Complete with white under shirt, blue robe, and a dart sticking out of my neck.