NAIOP Wisconsin Chapter President Profile- Bailey Copeland, Greywolf Partners Inc.

NAIOP Wisconsin Chapter President Profile- Bailey Copeland, Greywolf Partners Inc.
Name/Title/Company: Bailey Copeland / Greywolf Partners Inc., Vice President of Development
Briefly tell us what you do, and length of time in the CRE industry: I have been in the CRE industry for over 17 years. At Greywolf Partners I lead their development group bringing projects from a concept to completion.
How do you hope to contribute to the NAIOP Wisconsin Board and what do you hope to get in return?: I hope to bring fresh ideas of how our chapter can better benefit our members while continuing to build relationships through networking.
Which project or professional accomplishment are you most proud of?: I am very proud of the work I was able to do on the St Augustine Prep located on the southside of Milwaukee. This project was an assemblage of almost 50 properties to create the first school serving almost 1,500 students and now under construction of the second phase which will serve another 900 students. Aug Prep will be the largest single school campus in the City of Milwaukee.
How else are you involved or how would you like to be more involved in NAIOP Wisconsin?: I am currently the chapter president.
Tell us about your family: My husband Devon and I are celebrating our 10-year anniversary this year and have a blended family with four children. The little ones are 6 and 7 boys, and the older girls are 18 and 24.
What is your favorite restaurant?: Lulu Cafe & Bar in Bayview.
What kind of music are you listening to and first and last concert you attended?: I listen to a lot of country but a little bit of everything else. First concert was Dave Matthews and my last was Eric Church.
Favorite foods at Summerfest and State Fair?: Saz's sampler platter, you can never go wrong!
What are your hobbies?: Golf, four wheeling, boating, traveling, skiing... I love almost anything outdoors.
What's something about you most people don't know?: I graduated high school early and went right to college at age 17.
How do you find a moment of peace to calm or center yourself?: Working out or going for a run.
What is one item you can not live without?: My family.