New Member Spotlight - Devon Pittman, Wangard Partners

New Member Spotlight - Devon Pittman, Wangard Partners
Name/Title/Company: Devon Pittman / Director of Industrial Real Estate / Wangard Partners
Briefly tell us what you do, and length of time in the CRE industry: I am presently the Director of Industrial Real Estate. For the past 20 years I have worked in some type of real estate or real estate adjacent field.
Which project or professional accomplishment are you most proud of?: Having the ability to pivot from real estate development into working with troubled assets in 2009.
How would you like to be more involved in NAIOP Wisconsin?: I would have time to be on a committee of some type.
Tell us about your family: I have a husband and two small-ish children, we live in Bayside and enjoy being close enough to Milwaukee to enjoy all the city has to offer while having the solitude of a house in the woods.
What is the first and last concert you attended?: My first concert attended was Cheap Trick and Debbie Gibson at the Rock County Fair and last concert attended was Joshua Bell at the new symphony center with my daughter who just began playing the violin.
What's your favorite restaurant and why?: Buckley's because it is delicious.
What's your favorite vacation destination?: Southeast Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam)
Favorite county or state park?: Devil's Lake but in the winter.
What music are you listening to, and first and last concert you attended?: I am listening to modern country. The most recent concert I attended was Chris Stapleton.
What are your hobbies?: Painting (as in pictures), exercise, violin, and home-improvement.
What is something about you most people don't know?: I went to field school for archaeology in Belize.
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?: Yesterday I drove away from the gas pump without taking the pump out of my car. (Maybe not funniest, but certainly stupidest.)