New Member Spotlight - Dylan Brown, Colliers

New Member Spotlight - Dylan Brown, Colliers
Name/Title/Company: Dylan Brown / Real Estate Advisor / Colliers
Briefly tell us what you do, and length of time in the CRE industry: I joined Colliers in 2023 and am focused on selling and leasing industrial real estate in the Milwaukee area.
What project or professional accomplishment are you most proud of?: A project that I’m proud to have been a part of was a presentation that I co-presented with three other students from the University of Wisconsin. We had the opportunity to present some solutions to the affordable housing crisis that has become an ever-increasing issue in the city of Madison. We presented our solutions to Madison’s Mayor’s Office, some neighboring cities, and other schools on campus. After researching what other cities around the country were doing to combat their affordable housing problems, we presented what we thought were two of the best options to fight this issue. The first recommendation we had was that Madison create a catalog of pre-approved housing plans to increase the rate of construction and supply of middle-level housing. Our second recommendation was that Madison begin encouraging the building of accessory dwelling units through the relaxation of parking requirements, the further reformation of zoning laws, and by offering tax breaks on rental income generated through ADUs. While these options are likely not the ultimate solution to Madison’s affordable housing crisis, it is a step in the right direction. This project is one that I am very passionate about. My younger brother is currently a student at the University of Wisconsin, so I see first-hand how the lack of affordable housing is affecting Madison’s residents. Having the opportunity to get up and present these ideas to key decision-makers in Madison was a unique opportunity that I hope leads to change.
How would you like to be more involved in NAIOP Wisconsin?: Something that I am very excited about getting involved in through NAIOP is the Developing Leader All-Star program. The mentorship piece of this program is something that particularly excites me. I am looking forward to gaining comprehensive industry insights and an expanded network through my veteran mentor, but equally importantly, I'm eager to provide the insights that I have learned through my time at Colliers to a college student.
Tell us about your family: I am very close with my family, immediate and extended. In my immediate family, I am the oldest of three. My younger brother goes to UW-Madison, and my younger sister is in high school. My mom grew up in Texas and Columbia. She moved to the Midwest for high school to avoid the violence of the cartel and ended up going to Mount Mary for college. While there, she met my dad who had just graduated from St. Norbert. They got married, had kids, and settled down in Wauwatosa, where my dad grew up, and the rest is history.
What is your favorite quote?: "One day or day one."
Favorite show that you have binge-watched?: The most recent show that I binge-watched was the first season of True Detective. If you are a fan of crime TV, True Detective's first season is a must!
What's your favorite vacation destination?: Italy is easily my favorite travel destination. The culture, climate, and cuisine are all amazing, but one of the things I love most is the amount of cities that are worth exploring. Before Italy became a unified country, it was full of city-states. These city-states all tried to one-up each other by creating beautiful cities and churches. This has created a country full of amazing cities!
Cats or dogs? Do you have pets?: Easily dogs. I don't have any pets of my own. I prefer to play the fun uncle role when it comes to the pets in my life.
What are your hobbies?: I am a massive sports fan and have probably invested far too much emotional capital into the Packers, Badgers, and Bucks.