New Member Spotlight - Jim Bannantine, Kapur & Associates

New Member Spotlight - Jim Bannantine, Kapur & Associates
Name/Title/Company: Jim Bannantine / Environmental Consultant / Kapur & Associates
Briefly tell us what you do, and length of time in the CRE industry: I am an environmental consultant, and have been conducting due diligence to support CRE transactions, as well as investigation and remediation projects for 33 years.
What project or professional accomplishment are you most proud of?: Assisted with investigation and remediation of the former Pabst Brewery and am proud to have contributed to that significant Milwaukee Redevelopment project.
How would you like to be more involved in NAIOP Wisconsin?: I would like to assist members with environmental challenges, and help educate the membership about environmental challenges associated with CRE.
Tell us about your family: I have been married for 33 years, and my wife Beth and I have 3 children (Michael, Matthew and Amy), one dog (Oreo) and once cat (Batman).
What is your favorite quote?: From Senn-Delaney Training "Be Here Now". Wherever you are (work, home, friends, etc), focus on that event, and don't spend time worrying about other things or wishing you were somewhere else. (Translation: put your phone down and engage!)
What music are you listening to, and first and last concert you attended?: Rock and Roll! First concert was AC DC in 1981 at MECCA. They played "For those about to Rock" as an encore song for the tile track of their upcoming album, so none of us had heard it before. When the canons blew mdway through the song, I was scared to death, and then deliriously excited!
What's your favorite vacation destination?: Ada Lake National Campground in northern Wisconsin
What are your hobbies?: Bowling, golf, running.
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?: My dad wanted to buy a round of drinks for our family of 5 at a nice restaurant while we were waiting for a table. He had not been to a fine-dining establishment for some time. When the drink order came, my dad slapped a $20 on the bar and started handing out drinks. The look on his face when the bartender said that the order was $28 was priceless!
What is something about you most people don't know?: I have a twin brother, who looks nothing like me.