New Member Spotlight- Joe Packhem, GRAEF

New Member Spotlight- Joe Packhem, GRAEF
Name/Title/Company: Joe Packhem / Market Team Leader - Utilities, Data Centers and Mission Critical / GRAEF
Briefly tell us what you do, and length of time in the CRE industry: I've been in the construction industry since 2010 (14 years). I have experience in commercial building design, façade inspections, forensic investigation, and historic building renovations/repair. In the industrial area, I have designed cranes, deep foundations, pipe supports, thrust blocks, generator plants, geothermal pumping stations, portable water pumping stations, and performed condition assessment reports. Providing potable water to cities, steam and chilled water to hospitals, power generation, geothermal, and data centers excites me. I strive to succeed through communication and attention to detail. I enjoy building relationships and partnering with other firms to create mutually beneficial partnerships.
What project or professional accomplishment are you most proud of?: I'm recently the structural engineer for a 230 million dollar mission critical facility.
How would you like to be more involved in NAIOP Wisconsin?: I would like to meet more people in the construction industry and make relationship throughout the different parts of the industry. I am interested in learning more about other firms and how we all can work together.
Tell us about your family: My wife, Lexi, is an adjunct professor in the College of Communications at Marquette. She also runs the student internship program for Versiti and recruits there full time. We have two kids, Cruz (3) and Briar (1) along with two cats, Scout and Piper.
What music are you listening to and first and last concert you attended?: My favorite band is the Strokes and I've been listening to them recently along with Foster the People.
What is your favorite restaurant and why?: My favorite restaurant is La Merenda. I love the shared food. It's always a great place to connect with friends.
What is your favorite vacation destination?: My favorite vacation destination is Bath, England.
What's something about you most people don't know?: I was the captain for a local ultimate frisbee club team.