New Member Spotlight - John Campbell, Hausmann Group

New Member Spotlight - John Campbell, Hausmann Group
Name/Title/Company: John Campbell / Consultant / Hausmann Group
Briefly tell us what you do, and length of time in the CRE industry: I work with local business to help minimize their risk and help them become best in class businesses.
What project or professional accomplishment are you most proud of?: At my previous company I had worked on several high profile projects on the Milwaukee area helping with their branding, and communicating their company's message.
How would you like to be more involved in NAIOP Wisconsin?: I would like to become more immersed with the people in NAIOP whether that be serving on a board along with networking with people that are involved with NAIOP and are active in the community.
Tell us about your family: I was born and raised in the Milwaukee area. Just recently I have gotten married, and all the other great things that come along with that. For fun on the weekends my wife and I love to travel to different golf courses around that state and see the variety of golf courses Wisconsin has to offer.
What's your favorite restaurant and why?: Carnevour downtown has an amazing atmosphere and top notch food.
How do you find a moment of peace or calm to center yourself?: I just remember to take deep breaths and that helps me slow down.
Favorite foods at Summerfest or State Fair?: The Saz's sampler is a staple that I must have at either event.
What music are you listening to and first and last concert attended?: Big country music fan, first concert was Cher when I was a little kid and my most recent concert was Nate Smith.
What is one item you cannot live without?: My golf clubs.