New Member Spotlight - Meena Granado, First Federal Bank of Wisconsin

New Member Spotlight - Meena Granado, First Federal Bank of Wisconsin
Name/Title/Company: Meena Granado / Vice President of Commercial Lending / First Federal Bank of Wisconsin
Briefly tell us what you do, and length of time in the CRE industry: I have been in the CRE industry since 2019. I began my career in special assets, moved into credit underwriting, portfolio management and subsequently lending. I have been in Banking since 2017. As a Commercial Banker, I assist business owners and investors with financing. We provide financing options for small to mid-sized businesses and lend on both CRE and non-CRE projects. I enjoy building relationships with prospects, clients, and referral partners. My diverse banking background adds unique value to these relationships.
What project or professional accomplishment are you most proud of?: I collaborated on a New Markets Tax Credit deal in the City of Milwaukee. This project involved a business expansion that redeveloped a vacant industrial property. It is great to participate in projects that repurpose vacant buildings into something that benefits the community members!
How would you like to be more involved in NAIOP Wisconsin?: I hope to continue to expand my professional network and CRE knowledge through NAIOP. There is always more to learn!
Tell us about your family: My husband, Alex, and I are lifelong City of Waukesha residents. We have one son, Antonio (10), and a black lab, Marley. We enjoy spending time with family that lives nearby, cooking together, and supporting Antonio at his various sporting events. We are also big fans of the Milwaukee Bucks!
What's your favorite restaurant and why?: My favorite restaurant is Chucho's Red Tacos in Milwaukee. I love visiting locally owned spots, especially when tacos are involved.
What is one item you cannot live without?: I could never live without coffee. It is one of my favorite parts of the morning.
Favorite vacation destination?: My favorite vacation destination is Clearwater, Florida. My family and I love a relaxing beach day. It is also nostalgic, as we visited often when I was a child.
What are your hobbies?: I enjoy baking and trying new recipes. One of my favorite things to bake are scones. They pair well with morning coffee.
Cats or dogs? Do you have pets?: Dogs! We adopted our dog, Marley, from the Humane Society of Waukesha. She has been a fun addition to our family.