New Member Spotlight- Niharika Talwar, KG Development Group

New Member Spotlight- Niharika Talwar, KG Development Group
Name/Title/Company: Niharika Talwar/KG Development Group
Briefly tell us what you do, and length of time in the CRE industry: I have been in the CRE industry for 2.5 years. I do due diligence work, build proformas, write tax credit and loan applications, and develop RFP responses.
Which project or professional accomplishment are you most proud of?: I am most proud of my work with KG Development Group for a LIHTC project we did in Milwaukee, and a NMTC I worked on at another firm which is also in Milwaukee. Both of these projects will create a deep impact in the years to come.
How would you like to be more involved in NAIOP Wisconsin?: I am eager to learn extensively about CRE in Wisconsin, I am eager to build connections, I am eager to be a supportive teammate and add value in some form.
Tell us about your family: My parents run a school. I have two younger siblings, one of which runs his business, and my sister is in grade 10. I also have a pug named Happy and a pitbull named Zeal. We are a close knit, education focused, business family.
Who is your favorite author: My favorite author is Irving Stone.
What is your favorite restaurant and why?: Bel Air in Madison! I love their take on Mexican cuisine.
Favorite show you have binge-watched?: The Roman Empire! Great docu-series on Netflix.
What are your hobbies?: Reading, traveling and doing short online courses on new topics.
What is your favorite book?: The Kite Runner
Cats or dogs? Do you have pets?: Dogs! I have two dogs, Happy and Zeal.
What music are you listening to and what is the first concert you attended?: I am currently listening to Jazz. The first and the last concert I attended was Beyonce's Lemonade tour concert in Chicago in 2016. Coincidentally it happened on my birthday. Best night ever!