New Member Spotlight- Tim Brown, Project Manager, Eriksson Engineering Associates, LTD

New Member Spotlight- Tim Brown, Project Manager, Eriksson Engineering Associates, LTD
Name/Title/Company: Tim Brown/Project Manager/Eriksson Engineering Associates, LTD
Briefly tell us what you do and how long you have been in the Commercial Real Estate industry: I am a professionally licensed civil engineer working on property development and permitting for over 10 years.
Which project or professional accomplishment are you most proud of?: Helping EEA start up our Milwaukee Office. Been here for four years and am proud of how we are growing!
How are you involved or would like to be more involved in NAIOP Wisconsin?: I have attended a couple of events (Urban Spaceship, Drink Dine Develop) already and look forward to getting to more in the future. I am always looking to get more involved though so I will be on the lookout for opportunities that present themselves now that I am a member.
Tell us about your family: My wife and I have two young kids and just bought a house in Tosa this past May. We moved to the Milwaukee area from Indiana in 2015 and have loved putting our roots down here.
Who is your favorite author?: I am going to say Neil Gaiman, but that could change if you ask.
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?: My 3 year old daughter casually calling out to me "Hey, Tim!"
What is your favorite restaurant? Why?: La Merenda - With the small plate style, we can try something new every time we go. I have never been disappointed!
What music are you listening to and what was the first concert and last concert you attended?: Usually it’s Ok Go or Cage the Elephant or any of Jack White's bands. First major concert I went to was the Blink 182 reunion tour and the last one was Cage the Elephant at the Rave.
Favorite foods at Summerfest and State Fair?: Saz's sour cream and chive fries.
What’s your favorite vacation destination?: Seattle. I am odd in that I love the foggy and misty weather.
What’s the last book you read?: I am currently reading Shogun by James Clavell (which I highly recommend).
What is your favorite adventure movie?: Lord of the Rings. Can't go wrong with a classic.
Cats or dogs? Do you have pets?: Dogs. I have an 8 year old Pit Bull mix named Darcy.