New Request for Proposal for the Purchase and Redevelopment of Longfellow Elementary

New Request for Proposal for the Purchase and Redevelopment of Longfellow Elementary
The Facilities Department of the West Allis-West Milwaukee School District (WAWMSD) welcomes your response to a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the purchase and redevelopment of Longfellow Elementary School and Lot, 2211 S. 60th Street, West Allis, WI.
The RFP has the following timeline:
Developer walkthrough: Monday, July 17, 2023 – 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Questions due: Thursday, July 20, 2023
Addendum posted: Thursday, July 27, 2023
Proposals due: Thursday, August 10, 2023, by 2:00 p.m. CDT
WAWMSD selection: TBD (August or September 2023)
Building & Property Summary
Building Size: 36,860 SF
Lot Size: 2.45 acres
Year Built: 1927
Addition: 1956
Renovation/Addition: 1999
Market: West Allis
Building Overview
Multi-level elementary school housing 237 students from Pre-K, L4, Kindergarten, and 1st-5th grade located on 2.45 acres in West Allis, Wisconsin. Originally constructed in 1927 with improvements in 1956 (gymnasium and classrooms) and in 1999 (classrooms). The site is located on S. 60th Street between W. Grant Street and W. Lincoln Avenue. The general area is a mix of older residential and commercial development. Just to the east is Brewers Boulevard, formally known as Miller Parkway that runs from I94 south to W. Cleveland Avenue. The American Family Stadium, restaurants retail services, and some industrial developments are located along this thoroughfare.
Additional items of interest and/or to consider about the property:
The property is considered eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.
The City of West Allis Economic Development Department is currently working with a Certified Historic Consultant to get the property listed to the National Register of Historic places. If you have specific questions about this property and being listed on the National Register of Historic places contact Mr. Shaun Mueller, EDFP, Development Project Manager/Economic Development for theCity of West allis at 414-302-8470 or
The building appears to be a great candidate as a Historic Rehabilitation with potential lower density townhomes on a portion of the undeveloped playground area.
WAWM and the City of West Allis would like to see a portion of the existing playground reused as a park or playground area which serves the neighborhood.
Building Highlights
Concrete block construction with brick and stone exterior
Combination of ballasted and fully adhered EPDM roof. EPDM is an extremely durable synthetic rubber roofing membrane (ethylene propylene diene terpolymer).
Boiler plant fired by natural gas, no air conditioning except two (2) offices and one (1) classroom (window units)
Three (3) separately metered electric services (single phase and 3-phase)
Updated LED lighting
Security alarm system
Building Description
Multi-level structure with concrete block and plaster walls, acoustical tiles, vinyl floors, original wood molding and doors. Large exterior parking lot with playground. Facility includes one (1) gymnasium with a stage, 12-13 classrooms, kitchen, administrative offices, staff break room, art room, music room, and heath room. There are two (2) sets of restrooms on the first and second floors with one (1) girl’s restroom on the third floor.
The original 24,170 SF building was constructed in 1927 with a 9,800 SF addition in 1956, and a 2,890 SF addition in 1999. Although the majority of the finishes are original, the facility is in good condition and clean. The facility is not air conditioned except for two (2 ) wall units in the administrative offices and one (1) first floor classroom. The facility is served by municipal water and sewer.
The property enjoys excellent visibility on S. 60th with rear access on S. 61st Street just south of W. Grant Street and is served by municipal water and sewer. In addition, S. 60th Street is serviced by public transportation and the property is located near the Hank Aaron State Trail and the City of West Allis Farmers Market.
Proposals must be received by the WAWMSD by Thursday, August 10, 2023, no later than 2:00 p.m. CDT. If sending through mail, submissions must include one (1) original copy, and one (1) electronic copy (CD, DVD, or flash drive).
Please send proposals to: West Allis-West Milwaukee School District
Facilities Department
Attn: Steven J. Eichman
1205 S. 70th Street, Suite 513
West Allis, WI 53214
TITLE: Proposal for Sale of the Former Longfellow Elementary School Building and Lot 2211 S. 60th Street, West Allis, WI 53219
FROM: Name and address of proposer(s)
OR Email to: